RECOLLECTION - Sara was forced into some trouble today by some school bullies. She was near the back of the school next to the P.E. court, with some traces of blood nearby. <!--COMMENT : Further examination proves that the blood does NOT come from Sara. No action required. -->

She was with her friend Ryoko as per testing protocol under paragraph 2 of the Participation Evaluation Nascent Information Sanctimonious List. [Citation needed] Sara's behavior since then has been aggressive, to say the least. Even around Hiyori, Sara hasn't been as polite. I believe this is some form of showing that she isn't as 'normal' as we think she is. <!--COMMENT : On the contrary, is anyone here really normal? -->

REASON FOR CITATION - I believe Ryoko should not participate in the Death Game as even with Sara they don't seem physically capable, to add onto this with Jou's more active behavior with Sara, their relationship has seemingly dwindled. Not to say that they don't speak with each other, but it is not as strong as it was in Middle school. Even then I believe the handicaps are nonsensical for the plan.

MEMO - When I posted the memo last time about the creaky floor boards that wasn't an invitation to create sub levels. How would these even be found, looking at the blueprint I can't find any possible entrance. Come back to me on this ASAP!

with the suggestion, the comment will be black to hide within the background. the text citation needed is to act as a way to see the "Participation Evaluation Nascent Information Sanctimonious" list (penis list for short) basically a list of the participants that were turned down for one reason or another. and to explan it here, the whole purpose of bringing up that the sub levels have no clear entrance in the sub levels are supposed to hint at the fact that sou is hiding stuff down there.
- wtf is sou hiding btw????
everyone is under the idea of what gashu thought was happening in the past episode, that theyre working on an army from the underworld. when in reality sou wants only the best of the best to take control of asu naro and screw them up mentally so much that they cant even think of the idea of denying or fighting back