It's been such a nice time working here at ASU-NARO. I didn't expect much to come out of the PR reviews but it's great seeing everything come into play.
Sou recommended us to create these special pages for ourselves for some archival or therapeutic reason, personally I don't see the point in it, but whatever.

Through my own research I've learned some pretty simple things about how the brain functions with memory. A simple way to describe it would be a certain part of your brain being activated after a long period of time, thus creating things like a nostalgic feeling or deja vu. A pointless endeavor to try to add something so elementary to a research log. However, it leads to things like Episodic memory; basically your mind going back in time to remember something. It leads to a question I've been wondering for a while, how does it happen and can it be stopped?

The simple reason to why it happens is simple, neurons create connections in our brains that aren't activated sometimes in which they can be used for something else or activated another time. It creates a simple metaphor but it leads to a paradox.

One thing I've noticed during these experiments is that color composition affects our testers. Different colors change how they see things at time. Despite the clear change it's obvious that the color doesn't change them, it's the actual experiment.

In my own time, I'll be testing out how people react to Secondary and Teriary colors.

It strikes me as super interesting, most likley to do something with how the brain recognize colors. Seeing them talking and acting with a yellow tinted light makes testing not only much easier but also entertaining. But seeing them just give up with a blue tinted light, seeing the eye bags deepen and seeing the tears slowly fall of their face feels so exhilarating. In a way it's funny, seeing how someone changes to quickly, I feel like it's a curse on my life. Everyone changes so quickly, first my Fiancee and now the people in these experiments.

I want to keep my own issues out of these logs, despite this being personal to myself. I need Yui with how she's been doing with her own research, if there's any kind of simularity to an extent then it could potentially boost us in the hierarchy of ASU-NARO. God knows I don't want to be on the same level as a high schooler or Hayasaka, that's just embarassing.